
OASIS: Open Architecture Surgical Innovation Suite

The Biophotonics & Bioengineering Lab and its partners are collaborating to create an OASIS, the operating room of the future. Leading technologies including surgical navigation systems, high-frequency or micro-ultrasound (HFUS/μUS), 4K-stereo exoscopes (4KSE), molecular-guided imaging systems, and optical coherence tomography (OCT), as well as platforms for visualization and workflow including augmented reality (AR) systems and robotics are in many surgical suites. However, a disciplined systematic method of testing, refinement and implementation of new technologies has not been developed. In order to create systems that improve the overall outcomes in surgery, streamline OR workflow, and improve and reduce the potential for information overload; the project group will attempt to bring these systems into the neurosurgical OR in a tested and proven manner, but also adapt these technologies for further use in other surgical disciplines.