Optics/photonics are innovation enablers for cloud computing. Data centers become obsolete after 2-3 years providing an opportunity to reinvent, cost reduce and miniaturize for faster data processing. ReMAP O8, Indium Phosphide High-Speed Modulator focuses on developing next-generation optical modulators for high-speed communications using indium phosphide (InP) technology.
At this years AGM, InsightaaS.com examined the future of high-speed communications & cloud computing and here is what they had to share.
ReMAP O8, Indium Phosphide High-Speed Modulator
ReMAP Commercialization Prize Finalist, 2017A project that was initiated by TeraXion, high-speed modulators were conceived as a means of introducing stability in the performance of optical communications systems that may have to support regions that span up to 1,000 kilometers. To solve cost issues that would help ensure competitiveness of the product, the team introduced automation into volume manufacturing to reduce labour costs. Developed by Ciena, which acquired TeraXion last year, the project also included McGill, CMC Microsystems, and Celestica. According to team lead Carl Paquet, Ciena acquisition helped to keep project jobs in Canada. (winner of last year’s Commercialization prize and a Commercialization 2017 finalist). Used with permission- See full article here.