
CMC helps ReMAP advance Canadian competitiveness in electronics manufacturing

KINGSTON, ON -- CMC Microsystems is pleased to announce its participation in Refined Manufacturing Accelerated Process (ReMAP), a recently formed Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence (BL-NCE), to advance Canada’s competitiveness in electronics manufacturing.

ReMAP aims to enhance Canada’s electronics manufacturing sector by developing tools, materials, components and processes to commercialize innovative products for a global market – faster. ReMAP brings together industry leaders from multi-national organizations, small and medium Canadian enterprises (SMEs), start-ups and academic institutions to support leading-edge research, advancing new capabilities in R&D, product design and manufacturing. Working collaboratively, ReMAP’s partners are focused on solving today’s industry challenges in a variety of market segments including aerospace and defence, health care, renewable energy and telecommunications.

CMC is providing in-kind technology and engineering support in the areas of photonics and packaging, including access to specialized labs, to assist the Network’s development of optical components that are smaller, faster, portable and low-cost, for use in commercial products in the telecommunications, avionics and medical sectors.

“We are delighted to be assisting ReMAP in this visionary initiative,” says Ian McWalter, President and CEO of CMC Microsystems. “Our work with Canada’s National Design Network has shown us that by helping researchers and industry to design, make and test innovations in micro- and nanosystems, promising technologies get to market more quickly, companies gain competitive advantage, and knowledge and new ideas transfer to industry via highly trained graduates. ReMAP is an excellent example of this approach, and we look forward to building Canada’s global leadership in advanced, high-value-added manufacturing.”

“CMC is an important partner in our network,” says Irene Sterian, Executive Director of ReMAP. “Their broad connections with industry and their work with Canada’s leading researchers in micro-nano innovation have given them unique insights into what is needed to build capability in this area. They are a perfect fit with our mission to build a strong Canadian value chain for advanced electronics innovation that translates into economic growth and job creation.”