
Event: Research Directions in Computing- Diversity and Inclusivity

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Meet  Irene Sterian, P.Eng, Executive Director, ReMAP; cross-appointed as Director, Technology & Innovation, Celestica, who will participate in an upcoming panel discussion that will showcase exceptional women in the engineering and science professions and how future innovators can contribute to Canada’s competitive advantage. Irene will be joined by Eloise Tse P. Eng, Tatiana Berdinskikh, PhD, and Ana Perez of Celestica.  The Panel Discussion will take place on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 from 4:30pm-5:30pm during the EECS 1001 -Research Directions in Computing Course. The class is located  in the Lassonde Building, Room A., York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario.About EECS 1001 - Research Directions in Computing The course is organised around a series of invited talks by individual researchers and research groups, as well as a number of laboratory tours and other events that will introduce students to specific research directions in computer science, issues related to professionalism and professional societies, and opportunities to become engaged in different research and technical groups and events related to computer science.

About Lassonde School of Engineering 50:50 Challenge

As part of the Lassonde 50:50 challenge to achieve gender parity at The School of Engineering, this is an amazing opportunity to network with successful female leaders.  The female-only panel will discuss issues of diversity and inclusivity in research, especially research in computing.

Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Venue: The Lassonde Building, Room A York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario

Website: Lassonde School of Engineering 50:50 Challenge