
Implementing Photonics Integration

ReMAP has been invited to participate in the first AIM Photonics Technical Meeting - Implementing Photonics Integration co-hosted by PSMC and MIT Microphotonics Center.

Implementing Photonics Integration is a joint meeting of the MIT Microphotonics Center, the American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics (AIM Photonics) and the Photonic Systems Manufacturing Consortium (PSMC).

Manufacturing supply chain coordination is a critical element for the pervasive implementation of integrated photonics across a range of information, control and sensing applications. The meeting will discuss What are the key nodes in the supply chain? What are the important challenges at each node? What are the timelines for implementation?

Meeting highlights include:

  • Preliminary release of the PSMC Roadmap
  • Integrated photonic design automation
  • Industry reports re: needs and barriers
  • AIM Photonics vision for manufacturing excellence
  • Two short courses scheduled for Sunday, December 6: Integrated Silicon Photonics and Photonic Design Automation

About AIM Photonics

The American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics (AIM Photonics), is an industry driven public-private partnership that focuses the nation’s premiere capabilities and expertise to capture critical global manufacturing leadership in a technology that is both essential to National security and positioned to provide a compelling return-on-investment to the U.S. economy. The Institute’s goal is to emulate the dramatic successes experienced by the electronics industry over the past 40 years and transition key lessons, processes, and approaches to the photonic integrated circuit (PIC) industry. AIM Photonics supports Small and Medium Enterprises, providing practical access and technology on-ramps for U.S. industry, government, and academic communities. We are creating a National PIC manufacturing infrastructure, widely accessible and inherently flexible to meet the challenges of the marketplace with practical, innovative solutions.

About Photonics System Manufacturing Consortium

The Photonic Systems Manufacturing Consortium (PSMC) is a collaborative program organized by the International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI) and the MIT Microphotonics Center (MIT-MphC), and funded by the NIST Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia (AMTech) Program.The goal of PSMC is to address the technology gaps and challenges that are limiting the advancement of hardware technology for integrated photonic system manufacturing.Initially, PSMC aims to bring together the fragmented, customization-focused photonics industry, along with academic-based and other research technologists, to collaboratively develop a common roadmap for low-cost, high-volume manufacturing of photonic systems for data and telecommunication systems. This roadmap will:

  • Define broad future system needs
  • Define gaps and roadblocks affecting integrated photonic system manufacturing
  • Be used to guide manufacturing research and address systems requirements for networks that fully exploit the power of photonics

Follow-on steps will be devoted to building a shared manufacturing platform for cost-effective, high-volume manufacturing and to fostering growth of a stable technology supply chain in the United States.

About MIT Microphotonics Center

The Microphotonics Center (MPhC) a research community dedicated to optimizing interdisciplinary academic and industrial collaboration to advance basic science and pre-competitive technology in areas relevant to applied microphotonics. The Microphotonics Center engenders R&D cross-fertilization leading to innovation in applied microphotonics. Our vision is a future where the microphotonics platform enables enhanced information access, bandwidth, reliability, and complexity that extends the advance of silicon IC techology.The Microphotonics Center serves as a research community in which industry, government, and academia collaborate to create new materials, structures, and architectures for the emerging "microphotonics platform" -- the menu of on-chip and circuit-board level devices and components that will comprise future optoelectronics for telecommunications, computing, and sensing.In 2000, the Microphotonics Center launched the Communications Technology Roadmap program for photonics and optoelectronics.

Date: December 7, 8, 2015

Location: Boston Marriott Cambridge (50 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142).