
Official Launch Ceremony

The Honourable Ed Holder, Minister of State (MOS) for Science and Technology will celebrate the official launch of the Refined Manufacturing Acceleration Process (ReMAP) network. The Government of Canada announced a financial contribution of $7.7 million to ReMAP through the Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence (BL-NCE) program in January 2014. The BL-NCE investment has been matched by over $11 million from ReMAP network partner contributions.This event will showcase the benefits of the BL-NCE and highlight the importance of science and technology investments to help companies grow. Ms. Janet Walden, Chief Operating Officer, National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) will also join us.

Date: Monday, June 23rd, 2014

Time:1:30 p.m. registration2:00 p.m. event starts

Location: Celestica Inc.844 Don Mills Road Toronto, Ontario

Registration: North Lobby entrance only

Parking: Free parking is available on site