
ReMAP Announces $50,000 Commercialization Award at 2016 Annual General Meeting

$50000 Remap Cheque

ReMAP recently announced the winner of the 2016 Commercialization Prize at its AGM in Toronto, Ontario, on June 29th, 2016.  ReMAP O8, Indium Phosphide High Speed Modulator, comprised of Ciena, McGill University, CMC Microsystems and Celestica is this years’ winner.  The award recognizes the project team with the most compelling business case to accelerate their innovation with an additional $50,000 of funding in 2016-2017.ReMAP O8 is a collaboration of industry leaders and research partners that have come together to advance the development of the next-generation optical modulators for high-speed optical communication applications. ReMAP O8 will leverage additional funding to develop novel optical packaging solutions to reduce the size and cost of high-speed modulators.