
Remap Network Celebrates a 10 Year Milestone



Catalyzed by the humble yet inspired vision of a small group of Canadian engineers, REMAP was established in 2014 with the goal to build Canadian supply chains and accelerate innovation in materials science, micro/electronics, optics and photonic and environmentally sustainable solutions.  Ten years on, REMAP has much to be proud of – exceeding the network’s initial goals and having a significant impact on the country’s advanced manufacturing sector, as highlighted in the following video.  

Over the past decade, buoyed by $53.4M in public and private funding, REMAP has built up a network of 811 stakeholders across the manufacturing sector – from multinational companies to small to medium enterprises (SMEs), a range of academic institutions and consortia. This network has actively worked together to discover and accelerate Canadian IP, advance smart manufacturing and collaborate to drive a more skilled, diverse and vibrant industry.  

Read on to learn about the network’s core achievements in each of these areas...


Through shared resources, knowledge and investments, we have discovered breakthrough innovations, created jobs, attracted foreign/domestic investments and developed export-ready products that have advanced Canada's global innovation and competitiveness. Supporting 43 collaborative projects, REMAP has enabled the creation of 318 products, processes and services, the filing/issue of 155 patents, the development of 439 prototypes and numerous technical papers and presentations by network members.  


REMAP has helped Canadian SMEs to unlock hidden potential in their manufacturing operations through its Smart Manufacturing for a Connected World and Lean Manufacturing Through Value Stream Mapping advisory services.  Engaging over 100 manufacturers across Canada, REMAP has guided future-focused SMEs to achieve new levels of digitization, efficiency, productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction – contributing to a more competitive Canada.  


Collaborating with Canadian manufacturing stakeholders, REMAP has strengthened Canada’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem. Through shared resources, we have accelerated the commercialization of products developed in Canada for the global market and advocated for a more diverse and competitive sector. Over the past decade, this has led to the creation of 1,000 manufacturing jobs, thousands of supporting jobs, 35,520 mentoring hours $250M in reported follow-on revenues and investments.  

Celebrating yesterday, ready for tomorrow

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“This decade saw the REMAP network flourish and grow thanks to the dedication and efforts of its partners with the support of our esteemed Board of Directors and steering committee members,” exclaimed Loretta Renard, CEO, REMAP. “Along the way, the REMAP team has been challenged and motivated to evolve and grow, and continues to advocate for enhanced equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the sector.”

Supporting its EDI goals, the Metis-led, organization was among the first in Canada to implement the 50/30 challenge for female representation on its executive team and Board of Directors. The team also established the Irene Sterian Scholarship for Women in engineering at the University of Toronto focused on the next generation of leaders.

“It's a proud moment for me, and for all of us, to see the impact of these accomplishments,” said Nimfa Sacun, CFO, REMAP. “We look forward to building on this strong foundation and proven track record to drive even greater impact in the future.”

What’s next for REMAP?

While REMAP continues to evolve to meet the future needs of Canada’s advanced manufacturing sector, key goals on the near-term horizon include:

  • Expanding the scope and scale of the network’s Smart Manufacturing and Value Stream Mapping programs to maximize the benefits of these programs and support SMEs’  implementation efforts;
  • Growing REMAP’s reach by continually expanding the network and driving new collaborative efforts across Canada’s advanced manufacturing sector
  • Enhancing REMAP’s focus on unlocking potential for women and Indigenous led SMEs in Canada.

Be sure to follow us on social media to stay connected to what’s new and next for our thriving network!