
Stevie® Awards for Women in Business 2019


Stevie® Award Winners to Be Announced in New York on November 15

[TORONTO, ON] – [OCTOBER 3rd, 2019] –Refined Manufacturing Acceleration Process (ReMAP) is pleased to announce that its all-women executive is a two-time Finalist for the 16th annual Stevie® awards for Women in Business. ReMAP has been recognized for the Organization of the Year Government or Non-Profit category. Irene Sterian, ReMAP President & CEO has also been nominated as a Finalist in the Woman of the Year Manufacturing category.

The Stevie® Awards for Women in Business honorwomen executives, entrepreneurs, employees and the companies they run –worldwide. The Stevie® Awardshave been hailed as the world’s premier business awards. More than 1,500entries were submitted this year by organizations and individuals in 25 nationsfor consideration in more than 90 categories, including Executive of the Year,Entrepreneur of the Year, Company of the Year, Startup of the Year, WomenHelping Women, and Women Run Workplace of the Year.

Finalistswere determined by the average scores of more than 150 business professionalsaround the world, working on seven juries. Their scores will also determine theGold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie®Award placements that will be revealed at the 16th annual awardsdinner and presentations in New York.

Irene Sterian is the architect, President & CEO ofReMAP, Canada’s first advanced manufacturing network. Irene Sterian is asuccessful engineering executive and technology leader with a distinguishedcareer in manufacturing. Irene presents significant accomplishments inengineering management at IBM, Celestica and ReMAP; pioneering environmentallysafe and sustainable manufacturing technologies.

The ReMAP mantra is, “Start Small, Think Big and Create Value”. ReMAP leverages a robust Canadian technology value chain to drive the future of Smart Manufacturing in Canada. As new products are being launched at an exponential rate, the role of ReMAP is to accelerate the manufacturing of innovations developed in Canada for the global market. In a world where start-ups, software applications, and disruptive technologies dominate the landscape; hardware differentiates ReMAP to strengthen Canada's advanced manufacturing ecosystem. 

“Creativity, resourcefulness and innovation are core Canadian values. We are delighted to stand shoulder to shoulder with so many other outstanding women in business from around the globe. Recognition by The Women in Business Stevie® awards gives rise to showcase Canadian talent nationally and beyond.” said Irene Sterian, ReMAP, President & CEO.

Diversity is a key to ReMAP’s success. It takes more than tech and manufacturing to create a winning strategy. The ReMAP all-women executive brings 70 years of specialized skills and experience in engineering management, manufacturing, technology, innovation, research, business development, communication, marketing, project management as well as accounting and finance. Their complementary strengths developed the network from its start to sustained growth. The team has the agility, leadership and direction to steer ReMAP to major breakthrough achievements.

On November15th, 2019 the ReMAP team will receive recognition for one of thethree Gold, Silver or Bronze Stevie®Awards in each nominate category. Winners will be announced during a gala eventat the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York where nominated women executives andentrepreneurs from the U.S.A and several other countries are expected toattend.  

“In its sixteenth year, the Stevie® Awards for Women in Business receiveda record number of nominations. With the second annual Women|Future Conferencepreceding the announcement of winners on November 15, it will be a day tocelebrate the achievements of working women around the world,” said MichaelGallagher, founder and Executive Chairman of the Stevie® Awards.  “We’re looking forward to recognizing the Stevie® Award winnersnext month.”

Details about the Stevie® Awards for Women in Business and the list of Finalists in all categories are available at The Stevies and official press release at PRWeb.